TRAINING (2.4.1)

Acting as a national inter- and transdisciplinary network, the forum promotes knowledge and discourse about landscape and landscape-changing processes. It advocates sustainable design, development and safety concepts. The forum focuses on the Alps as well as parks and protected areas.more

Image: Naturmotive, stock-adobe.commore


Habitats in Switzerland – that is cities, towns and conurbations as well as alpine and rural areas – are changing rapidly. In areas where space is limited, the conflict between the interests of society, business and nature, the increasing need for mobility and leisure along with intensive construction activity is increasing in both frequency and intensity. At the same time, climate change is shaping and altering the landscape.

  • Entlebuch
  • Aerial view of the Frick Valley in the canton of Aargau
  • Pre-Alpine country near Lachen
  • Power plant Letten, Zürich
  • Terraced houses and funiculaire, Biel
  • EntlebuchImage: Norman Backhaus1/5
  • Aerial view of the Frick Valley in the canton of AargauImage: Patrik Walde, Flickr2/5
  • Pre-Alpine country near LachenImage: Norman Backhaus3/5
  • Power plant Letten, ZürichImage: Norman Backhaus4/5
  • Terraced houses and funiculaire, BielImage: Maarit Ströbele5/5

The Forum Landscape, Alps, Parks encourages inter-disciplinary exchange and research aimed at achieving a holistic view of the landscape in order to implement targeted planning, design and development.

We promote research, bring together knowledge sources, support the various disciplines in networking, and transfer expertise. In doing so, we create added value for society and politics, for example through the Swiss Landscape Congress (Schweizer Landschaftskongress).

The next 4th Swiss Landscape Congress will take place from September 5-6, 2024 in Tramelan and Bellelay in the Parc naturel régional Chasseral under the title "Au défi de la transition : Zukunftslandschaften".

Teaser 4. Landschaftskongress
Teaser 4. Landschaftskongress