TRAINING (2.4.1)

Le réseau national inter- et transdisciplinaire promeut la connaissance et le discours sur le paysage et les processus de changement de paysage. Il s'est engagé dans des concepts de conception, de développement et de protection durables. Les Alpes, les parcs et les espaces protégés sont au cœur de ce forum.en plus

Image : Naturmotive, stock-adobe.comen plus

Uncertainties of climate models and the political and economical consequences

08. Treffen der Parlamentarischen Gruppe «Klimaänderung» vom 17 Dezember 1998

Lieu de l'événement

Wetter und Klima (Symbolbild)
Image : NASA

The meeting was chaired by Ch. Langenberger and focussed on the uncertainties of climate models and the political and economical consequences. Christoph Schär discussed the strengths and weaknesses of the current climate models. Do we have enough time to wait on the next generation of models, knowing that they will leave open questions as well? He concludes that it is necessary to cautiously act despite of remaining uncertainties. Heidi Schelbert-Syfrig illustrates how economists often decide based on incomplete knowledge. Economical theories provide the following surprising result for climate politics: the larger the uncertainties about climate change are, the quicker one has to act to minimize the potential damage.


Langues : Anglais