TRAINING (2.4.1)

La rete interdisciplinare e transdisciplinare, promuove la conoscenza e il dibattito relativo al paesaggio e ai processi che lo modificano. Adotta iniziative per proposte di progettazione, di sviluppo e di tutela. Per questo motivo, le Alpi, i parchi e le aree protetti costituiscono le priorità del forum.di più

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Cooperazioni internazionali

montagne alpi valle
montagne alpi valleImmagine: M. Bolliger


International Scientific Committee on Research in the Alps ISCAR

The Forum Landscape, Alps, Parks represents the Swiss Academies in the International Scientific Committee on Research in the Alps ISCAR and manages its office.

Through ISCAR, Swiss experts work in committees of the Alpine Convention and participate in international projects and conferences such as the AlpenForum.
Website ISCAR

ISCAR-Protected Areas ISCAR-P

Together with the Alpine Network of Protected Areas ALPARC, the ISCAR-P (Protected Areas research) working group was set up in 2006. Its main tasks are to contribute to the scientific journal eco.mont, the Kaprun Symposium and the "Mountain Pool" database on research projects. The Forum Landscape, Alps, Parks is the sponsor of this working group through its involvement in ISCAR.
Website ISCAR-P

New Logo Mountain Research Initiative

Mountain Research Initiative MRI

The Mountain Research Initiative is a multidisciplinary scientific organization that addresses global change issues in mountain regions around the world through concerted efforts, diverse communication formats and various networking events. Webseite MRI

Logo gross Global Mountain Biodiversity Assessment GMBA
Immagine: GMBA

Global Mountain Biodiversity Assessment GMBA

The Global Mountain Biodiversity Assessment (GMBA) is a core project of Future Earth that acts as a platform for international and cross-disciplinary collaboration on the assessment, conservation, and sustainable use of mountain biodiversity. Webseite GMBA

Logo MRD Journal
Immagine: MRD

International Mountain Society IMS and Mountain Research and Development MRD

The goal of the International Mountain Society (IMS) is to advance knowledge and disseminate information about mountain research and mountain development throughout the world. In order to further this purpose, the association publishes a quarterly journal, Mountain Research and Development (MRD). Webseite MRD