TRAINING (2.4.1)

La rete interdisciplinare e transdisciplinare, promuove la conoscenza e il dibattito relativo al paesaggio e ai processi che lo modificano. Adotta iniziative per proposte di progettazione, di sviluppo e di tutela. Per questo motivo, le Alpi, i parchi e le aree protetti costituiscono le priorità del forum.di più

Immagine: Naturmotive, stock-adobe.comdi più

Guidelines to Conflict Sensitive Research

Doing research in conflict contexts is crucial. But how do you best conduct research in conflict-affected contexts? These guidelines are designed for all levels of researchers – from research student to professor – who conduct research in settings that are affected by conflict.

Guidelines to Conflict Sensitive Research

The guidelines take you through 9 steps of a research cycle and point your attention to critical and sensitive aspects of research in and on conflict.

Adopting a conflict sensitive approach to research helps to understand the interaction of research with multiple layers of overt or latent conflicts. The interaction of research and conflict context effects what is being researched, how research is carried out, and the knowledge that is thus produced.

The guidelines were developed in close collaboration with swisspeace and in close interaction with researchers, funders and people working in international cooperation.

Here you can find a short web-based version of the Guidelines

Autori: Ursina Bentele
Dichiarazione Pagina: 1-27
Numero standard: ISSN 2297-184X/DOI 10.528/zendo3601000

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Research partnerships with business and civil society

Transdisciplinary research partnerships with business and civil society in the North-South context

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